Vikash Deep Foundation (VDF): Our Team

VDF began to function as a team of the likeminded people who hailed from various walks to life and came together to join hands in order to make a visibly noticeable difference to the wellbeing of society, specifically the underprivileged sections of the society who are far from being fortunate enough to enjoy the benefits of even the fundamental blessings of life i.e., food, clothing, education, shelter and healthcare.

At VDF, we realize that a victim of the unfair circumstances in life needs to be protected by all means. It is a well known sad and bitter truth of life, realized by the majority living on this earth at some time or another that when misfortune strikes, the unfortunate individual usually suffers from multiple types of problems.

So, it’s understood that the team at an NGO should be well versed with looking into all kinds of problems and also finding their solutions with unquestionable expertise.

It is not for no reason that at VDF, we insist on a great team of experts from all walks of life. There are various experts contributing their services at VDF for the sake of the poor and the needy who approach or whom we visit when they are struck by misfortune of any kind.

Our team comprises various professionals as experts in their fields as listed below:

  • Social workers
  • Activists
  • Doctors
  • Engineers
  • Advocates
  • Writers
  • Journalists
  • Lecturers
  • Professors
  • Teachers
  • Civil Servants
  • Bankers
  • Corporate Professionals
  • CAs
  • MBAs
  • Ph.Ds
  • Consultants
  • Counsellors etc.